Answered By: Paul Arrigo
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2016     Views: 343

Embedding Films on Demand films within Blackboard

  1. For link/coding to work correctly, you need to be authenticated as belonging to Lee, so start at the library's website.
  2. Find the Films on Demand film you want to embed in your course.
  3. Click Share
    Films on Demand Share link screenshot
  4. Click on Embed Code.
    Films on Demand Embed Code link screenshot
  5. The first code listed is the one you’ll want.
    Films on Demand Embed Code first window circled.
  6. Copy the highlighted code (CTRL + C works well)
    Arrow pointing to Highlight in Films on Demand
  7. In a new tab, go to your course in Blackboard, navigate to the place you want to put the video. Create an item.
  8. Enter the title of the film.
    Screenshot of BB item title
  9. In the Text box, click the HTML button.
  10. Paste the code you copied in the HTML box. (CTRL + P works well)
  11. Click Update.
  12. Click Submit after choosing any options you want for your course.
  13. The embedded film is displayed at the next screen.